Monday, March 30, 2015

The Zilu Smart Power Portable Smart Phone Charger- It simply ROCKS!!!

A couple of weeks ago, I was offered the opportunity to test out this Smart Power Portable Charger by Zilu. Now, you are probably wondering what on earth is that little gadget. This Zilu Smart Power Portable Charger is a portable charger that is compatible with most smart phones and 5V tablets on the market. It is also small enough to easily fit in your purse, desk drawer, or in your pocket even. The Zilu is available in four colors (Black, Silver, Gold, & Pink). It also comes with a 2 Year limited warranty. That to me says a lot about a product.
The Zilu shipped really fast, I received it in only two days because it was Amazon Prime Eligible and I thankfully, am a Prime customer. It comes as you see nicely packaged inside of a cute little box. In the package you get the Zilu External Battery Pack, one Micro USB cable, and the Smart Battery Pack User Manual. It's important that you read that User Manual because the Zilu Smart Power must be fully charged prior to the first use and needs to be charged for 8 hours the first time, only around 3 hours after that first charge. On the top of the Zilu there are 4 blue LED status lights that let you know how much power is still left in your battery pack. If all 4 lights are on, that means that you still have more than 90% charge left. If you have half of an LED light that means you only have less than 10% left and will need to charge it soon.
I tried out the Zilu on my phone first. I threw it in my purse and took it with me on a short trip to Wal-Mart. I was only gone maybe a little over an hour and by the time I got back home, my phone was already charged. I honestly thought that after one charge that it would most likely need to be recharged again. I couldn't have been more wrong. It still had over 90% charge left. So I sat down to get on my tablet and realized it needed to be charged. I thought well we may as well go ahead and see how it does on the tablet. It did just as well on my tablet as it did my phone. Even after fully charging the tablet, it still had 50-75% charge still left. I instantly knew that this Zilu was going to be awesome. 
I keep my Zilu in my purse until it needs to be charged. That way no matter where I am, I will always have it with me. Its really not heavy so I really don't notice a difference with it in my purse. I don't know how I have made it so long without having this little nifty thing. I know we have all been in that situation where you are expecting or needing to make an important phone call, and can't because your phone died. Of course that just so happens to also be the day that you forgot to bring your charger with you. I myself have been in that predicament entirely too often. Well, not anymore. I am in love with my Zilu Smart Power Portable Charger. My husband likes it so much that I am now going to be ordering him one in black. Its already saved me a few tmes just in the couple of weeks that I have had it. I strongly feel that every Smart Phone and Tablet owner should have a Zilu. It is the handiest little accessory for either that I have had. The Zilu Smart Power Portable Charger is available on Amazon for an amazing price for what it does. You can get your own Zilu here:

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