Thursday, April 16, 2015

My FP Coffee Makers French Press

The FP Coffee Makers French Press

I myself am not a big coffee drinker, my husband on the other hand is. He wants his coffee shortly after his feet hit the floor in the morning. He was very happy when I told him that he had a new French Press on the way. The first day it arrived, he just couldn't wait for us to try it out. We heated up a small pot of water. We added our coffee into it first, then added the hot water. We let it sit for a few minutes so the coffee could be absorbed into the water. Then we pressed the grounds. When the coffee was finished, I was so impressed at how there were no coffee grounds left in it at all. The FP Coffee Makers French Press has a comfortable handle that's easy to hold and grip. I love that the carraffe is glass, but has the plastic base. I also really love that it is dishwasher safe. My husband likes using the French Press because he likes his coffee really strong. With the French Press he says that his coffee just has a better more robust flavor. The French Press can be used for Coffee or Tea. My husband and I both are very pleased with our new FP Coffee Makers-French Press. Its a very good quality Press, especially for its affordable price. I have saw others that are no better priced outrageously. I received this French Press at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. You can get your own here:

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